I have always been a morning person. Morning is my favourite time of the day. It brings me happiness, makes me cheerful, pumps in energy and makes me love myself. There are a few things that make my morning pleasant as well as productive.
1 Being an early riser

Rising early has been synonymous with my life. Seeing the rising sun makes me feel powerful. I also realise the power that is unlocked in Mother Nature. I can smell freshness in the morning colours. The fresh, cool breeze puts me at ease and affirms to me my capabilities. The chirping birds are music to ears. When the world is asleep, I gather my power to run a successful day.
Decluttering my mind

Early morning is about having fresh thoughts. It is the most productive time of the day and at that time, I wouldn’t want to have unnecessary chatter in my mind. In fact, mornings are like my power house of ideas. Almost every new idea that I ever implemented came in the morning. This is the time when I think limitless, ditching all boundaries, removing all filters.
Consistent exercise routine

My body is my temple and I don’t forget to worship it on any single day. Each day I am thankful to God for this wonderful abode called body. I dedicate a part of my morning to my workout. I try different forms of workout because I believe that each form has its own advantages. A healthy body is a sign of a healthy mind. Early morning exercise makes me feel fresh and gives me the energy to positively pull a day full of commitments.
A healthy breakfast

I fuel my body with a healthy breakfast every day. I believe that a good, wholesome breakfast keeps you satiated mentally and physically. My breakfast contains fruits, cereals, nuts and juices but I never compromise on this meal. My healthy diet gives me the energy that I require through the day.
Make my to-do list

I don’t wait to hit office to make my to-do list. I usually do that before I even reach office. When my mind is fresh, I have all my tasks lined up on my mind. The good part of making this list early is that I can even include my personal to-do things. I know when I reach office, all that is on my mind is work. Therefore, this trick helps me to have a balanced life and not miss out on anything that is important.