The thrill of getting a fixed amount at the beginning of each month is unbeatable. The world is moving fast and is full of cut throat competition. Appraisal time is approaching and we are looking forward to a good rating on our performance. We all vie for more attention, more benefits and more perks. If you want to sustain and remain at the top of the mind of your employers, here are 5 essential things to do:

Prove your worth

Your employer must always look at you as an asset for the organisation. Liabilities are best forgotten. It must be our constant endeavor to prove that we are the right fit for the job. We must not only look at fulfilling our key performance parameters but must exceed it as much as possible. Most often employers are ready to take a big hole in their pocket for a desirable candidate. Try and be that one employee your boss was always looking for.

Stick around in tough times

Tough times can come in the life of an individual as well as an organisation. We can all share good time with each other, but as a general rule, people who participate in sorrows are always remembered. Staying by the organisation in turbulent times gives you an edge and establishes you as a trustworthy, dependable member of the organisation.

Be open to challenges

KRAs and competency building are inevitable but there is always something beyond that. Every employer wants people who go beyond the call of duty and are open to new arenas for development. People who take initiatives and ownership are always welcome. Self motivated employees who take accountability for their actions are cherished by every manager.

Be a problem solver

If you are the one who is performing the task, you must know the ins and outs. The boss need not always be the more creative one. A boss always appreciates people who come to them not with problems but with solutions. It just builds up to your impression and your image takes a flight.

Attitude attitude attitude

Group of businessmen have a different solution for a challenging labyrinth

Almost any manager would happily train his employees on knowledge of products or processes. He or she would also readily give all the skills needed to perform the job well. But one thing that every manager wants in an employee is the right attitude. It is difficult and tedious to shape someone’s attitude. Universally, every company needs people with the right approach and mindset.

Flattery has given way to organic performance today. Nothing can beat a forward looking professional who is passionate about self-development and ambitious to climb the ladder. Creating good impressions takes a lot of effort but the process of doing that becomes a learning curve.