As leaders and managers, we often become so blind after our goals that we forget the human factor. We forget that it is our team that will lead to accomplishment of our goals. In the midst of a changing environment and a dynamic workplace, the best a manager can offer is stability to the team. It s essential to understand the behaviour that is expected from people and then to promote that.
This style of management comes in handy when we are moving towards a change. Change never comes easy to anyone. We need to first inculcate changes in our own behaviour and then we need to start developing that as a culture. Empathy is an important factor to consider if we wish to establish trust and oneness in opinions and acts.
Martin Luther King had said, “A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.” As leaders, we need to empathise, grow and connect, understand and listen. There are times people fail to work together because they fear each other. This fear springs from lack of communication. Here’s where the role of an effective manager comes into play. The manager needs to promote cross communication, sharing of opinions and also needs to create platforms where people can get together and heart out.
Change can only be driven when people behave collectively. Culture isn’t one person’s job. Every single member needs to breathe evolution and that’s when change really happens. We all need a leadership that is motivated, inspired and purposefully driven.