
What are your summer essentials?

What are your summer essentials?

Summer is approaching and my wardrobe definitely needs some breeze. The winter coziness now needs to be replaced with summer fun. Come summer and my wardrobe goes lighter. Here are some of my summer essentials: Whites and lots of them I am a total believer of basics...

Creating compassionate workspaces

Creating compassionate workspaces

Human being or Human Resource? How do you treat your employees? When we treat our employees as resources, it somehow, takes away the emotions and the connect that we have with each other. The moment we think of them as human beings, we immediately embrace them with...

5 fashion rules to live by

5 fashion rules to live by

Sustainable fashion is something that we are all aiming for. Being sustainable could mean different things for different people. We need to know the philosophies that we are supporting while we make our purchase decisions. End of the day, we all want that our wardrobe...

4 reasons why exercise is a stress reliever

4 reasons why exercise is a stress reliever

We all know that when we exercise, our body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins signal our brain receptors to reduce the perception of pain. We also start feeling happier, positive and energised. Hence, relating exercise with stress relief is a...

6 Essential Metrics of Business You Must Track

6 Essential Metrics of Business You Must Track

Tracking relevant business activities is a must while you are running a business. To understand the progress of your company, it is essential to map the performance of a company vis a vis the goals that have been established. It is essential to understand the key...

7 Things To Look for in a Fitness Studio

7 Things To Look for in a Fitness Studio

One of the biggest hindrances in the fitness industry is that people are not sufficiently motivated to keep themselves fit. Working out is still not looked up to as a fun activity. Having a motive behind fitness is not wrong but having the right motive is important....

Delegate To Develop

Delegate To Develop

There are two questions that often come to mind – (1) Can I do it all (2) Can I do it all so well? The day we start feeling burdened and loaded, we know what we are looking for. Delegation is about effectively passing on tasks to the right people with the right...

Fab Fit Fun

Fab Fit Fun

Fitness is not a trend. It is a thing to stay, a habit that needs to be cultivated and nurtured. Fitness is a journey and has no definitive end. It needs to remain with us just as friends for life. Working on your fitness is nothing less than a calendar activity. We...

Fashion is all about being classy and elegant

Fashion is all about being classy and elegant

I believe that whatever we wear, wherever we go, there needs to be a spark in our clothes. I love my wardrobe and it does serve as an inspiration to many. Fashion is about brands to a large extent, but it is more about the look and style. I let my clothes speak for...