When it comes to goal planning, the first question is WHY. Even before we start setting goals, the purpose must be clear in our mind. A lot of times goals are like resolutions, we make them, create them and often forget them. Goals are like a destination that we want to reach with the help of a planned route. Think about this, a lot of times in life, we know where we want to reach, but the path to reach there is unknown, uncertain or blurred. Here’s how we can create a path to reach the end:
Know the purpose

The more clarity we have about our WHYs, the more we are closer to our goal and the way to achieve it. If we are planning to start a new venture, knowing the Why of this decision helps us to plan so many things. The end objective helps us to define the steps needed to be taken to achieve that. For example, helping the ones in need is our ultimate aim. The purpose behind it could be to reduce unemployment. Once we know the purpose, we can now design steps to be able to achieve lower rates of unemployment.
Know the central theme

Once the purpose is clear, we need to visually write it in the centre, the target to be achieved . This becomes our central theme. We now need to start gathering ideas around the central theme. These ideas can come in randomly and should be written as branches coming out of the central idea.
Be visual

A mind map is like a visual strategy that we create to plan our goals. It is best made on paper rather than the mind. The power of writing can never be undermined. When we write, we start adding more weight to things and also become more conscious and more aware. The more we write, the more ideas we generate. This helps us to plan better.
Data and intuition

Mind mapping helps us to be intuitive. It takes out all our thinking and creativity and puts it on paper because we get into the process of thinking without filters. Also when we write things, we get more data into picture. We search for past trends and things that have worked for us and those that haven’t.